Mongolian food is the most environmentally friendly and organic food. Every traditional Mongolian food has its own unique historical and scientific backgrounds, and you can divide them into the daily meal, real warrior food, ceremony food and beverages.
The only thing to consider is that people should manage them by the season to eat. However, currently, the local city people eat traditional Mongolian food daily, and it contains many calories. However, you are for Mongolia travel, and you should try them as much as you can. But not too much.
When you travel to Mongolia, you should remember to try traditional Mongolian food in advance. In Mongolia, you eat the bio meat of horse, sheep, goat, camel and yak. All these animals find the menu from wild nature, and there they eat herbals, flowers and grass. For this reason, meat is of high quality, and it might be a bit stronger than the flesh you in your country. The average meat consumption is in Mongolia over 200 grams per day, which double amount than the other countries.
However, people, who live in the countryside they need more energy to herd the animals and also there is a lack of vegetables to eat. In addition to that, during the summertime people consume more dairy products as well as dried cheese, curds, butter, mares milk and yoghurt. On the other hand, Mongolian winter is harsh to survive, and this is main that Mongolian use more meat than other countries.
For the beverage, the Mongolian love to drink Suutei Tsai (milk tea). This is the tea that you never taste before because of salt and some dried meat (another type). We mainly use the milk of horse, cow, sheep and goat. However, someplace, yak milk is also a standard part of the daily usage, used to make soups and curds as well as cheese.
Tsuivan the fried noodle
The Tsuivan is the most common food for Mongolian, especially for the men. This food is a combination of hand made noodle, beef or mutton and some other vegetables. Of course, this has many calories, but you would love this. The uniqueness of this food 100% hand made. When you travel to Mongolia with us, you can try this food on the way or visit a local.
Buuz the kind of dumplings
The Buuz (Mongolian meatballs) is brand food for the tourist. This food looks like Chinese dumplings (mostly pig and vegetables), but it is too early to judge. Because it has an entirely different taste of Mongolian meat. When you travel in Mongolia, you should ask from your local Mongolian guide to try this food.
Boodog the barbecue of Mongolian food
The real ancient Mongolian grill Boodog, cooking a goat inside of itself with hot stones. This is the real food for the Mongolian warriors, while they were travelling one place to another. However, nowadays this food for the special events, e.g. Naadam festival, the ceremony for nomadic family and special guests.
Khorkhog the Mongolian barbeque
Khorkhog is the family food in Mongolia. During the summertime, families visit their relatives to see each other. After that, people cook the Khorkhog because the food is natural, delicious, organic and enough for the entire family (minimum 20 people). The meat and vegetables prepared by the hot red stones and its steam. The food tasty and tender to eat. During the ancient time, warriors make Khorkhog on their shields with hot stone.
Sheep head the king's food
The boiled or steamed sheep head is one of the respectful Mongolian food. Mongolians have been using the boiled sheep's head for the nobles and respectful people as a meal. Because of the deep meaning of the head leads the entire body.
The dish was mighty Genghis Khan's favourite one as well.
Bantan the fastest food
Bantan is traditional soup made with meat either mutton or beef and prepared flour, and is light and low in fat so is mostly given to the baby as their first meat food. On the other hand, Bantan is a popular, hangover treatment. You can remove your hangover eating Bantan for breakfast.
Khuushuur the fried dumplings
The Khuushuur is very popular in Mongolia that is relatively similar to Russian food. This is the food of the meat, either beef or mutton, is ground up and mixed with onion, salt and other spices. The cook rolls the dough into the size of circles, then places the meat inside the dough and folds the dough into another side, creating a flat half-circular shape. For the cooking then closes the pockets by stylish pressing the edges together.
Another type of Naadam Khuushuur has a round shape produced by pressing the dough and mince together using the roller.
After the procedure of making the pockets, fries them in the hot oil until the dough turns a golden brown colour. The Khuushuur has to be served warm and can be eaten by a clean hand. While you eat this food by hand, you will get some energy from its heat and you will feel that you want to sleep.
Guriltai shul the noodle soup
The noodle soup is the leading food for the nomadic people during four seasons. The main reason is that noodle can preserve the heat and which keep people warm during the cold weather, rainy and snowy day.
Mostly soup made by the goat meat, mutton and beef and during the summertime, people use the dried beef and lamb because of lack of freezing the meat. Nowadays, nomadic people use solar panels to produce energy, and they can keep the meat for a long time. The noodle is made by the hand as well as rollered and cut. Rarely in the countryside, people use organs instead of meat to survive the freezing winter with curds.
Eating organic organs
The Mongolian people love their livestock because this is only property. For this reason, Mongolian people process every single of animals to digest and to utilise. For instance, organs are the first food after animals meat. The organs are perfect for health, and it is enriched by vitamins and minerals. In addition to that, nomadic people eat only they need during the winter to survive, and animals live freely and protected from the predators.
This is the unique lifestyle only exist in Mongolia. There is no waste except hair and hoof. For example, the skin is clothing; blood is sausage, organs are food and bones are soup or dogs food.
Boortsog the traditional Mongolian bread
The Boortsog is then main bread cooked in the animal fat. This bread can keep your whole day long without food because it contains milk butter, flour, salt and some sugar. Additionally, people can preserve the bread over 2 weeks without any changes and it will not get dry.
Airag the mares milk
Airag is the main beverage in the countryside of Mongolia as well as beer in Germany. In the landscape, almost every single family is a producer. During the summertime, nomadic people catch the baby horse to milk their mothers. This is good for the baby horse to get the right amount of milk, and it is safe with people.
The Airag is full of vitamins, good bacteria, calcium and enzymes. This is how Mongolian warriors survived from the longtime war and long distance horse riding. After one cup of Airag, you will not need food or drinks. If you travel during the summertime, you can try this beverage on Mongolia trips.